Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Lightness of summer

Summer is upon us... all of the heavy heat, suffocating moist air, sticky-stinky-sweaty clothes, and FREEDOM!  As a teacher, I love it!  Alas, we were released for summer and I slept-- how many naps I have taken, I cannot count; books are pulled from shelves and actually read; my mind has begun to relax and release itself from the endless multitasking that I feel compelled to do in order to survive during the school year.  Ah yes-- ice cream tastes best now.  My granny's lilies are unfolding themselves in radiant bursts of color.  I see my lovely friends at a leisurely pace over slow dinners outdoors.  Soon it will be time to pick blackberries down the street.  My mouth is turned up into a smile.  The best part is that Mike and I are both teachers, so we get to be together all summer long-- we enjoy our little projects and little outings-- life is delicious this time of year. When we have our Más 1, it will be a time for making the ice cream with the little one, picking flowers from the garden, excursions to a variety of children friendly local destinations that we have not had an opportunity to visit since we were kids.... Más 1 will fit very well into our happy summer plans... I love to imagine it!  I weave it all into a beautiful little story-- our child's face just a bit too much in the shadows to ever really see it-- but the little one's laughter drifts along light as summer and the joy is clearly visible.  This daydream is a better activity than packing my suitcase, which is what I should be doing right now..... Summer is starting a little differently this year-- Mike just left for Colorado for a week of hiking and climbing with friends, and I leave in a day and a half for Costa Rica with students for two weeks.  Over two weeks of separation is not something I relish.  A million times a day, I think of things that I want to tell him or show him when we are apart and I especially miss my favorite part of the day-- waking up to find him next to me.  To make the time apart easier for him, Mike will find a book (made by me) with pictures and little notes for each day-- I even included one of the four leaf clovers that I found this year to bring him luck in his travels and 2 bars of expensive chocolate to keep him energized.  Also, he will find a card for our 5 year anniversary and a different card for Father's day.  It will be his first Father's Day card.  No te preocupes-- escogí una tarjeta cómica porque sé que por vivir en esta casa vas a tener un buen sentido de humor:)  ... Then, when he comes home and I come home, we will be off to Seattle and Squamish to celebrate being reunited....and shortly thereafter, summer will begin again-- normal summer that is-- normal, joyful summer!  Paperwork is winding down, so we really can enjoy just enjoying summer!  Podemos apreciar los ricos sabores del verano:) Sé que cuando vengas, estos días serán tus días favoritos también.  Ni tú.... ni tu papá.... ni yo podemos imaginar el futuro que nos espera juntos.... solo sabemos que nuestro destino es ser una familia y que la vida que conocemos va a cambiar.  Estos cambios no me dan miedo.... Al contrario, me dan confianza para tomar decisiones que van a beneficiar a nuestra familia.  Me dan esperanza para un verano eterno.  Sé que vamos a enfrentar gran retos a veces, pero cuando pienso en ti, me siento paz.  Es el tipo de paz que me siento cuando pienso en tu papá.  Esta paz nace del amor y sigue creciendo cada díá.  Así, no hay miedo y la confianza es fácil.  Sin poder pronunciar tu nombre, te digo que te quiero mucho, y te querré por siempre.