Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The last 26....

-- This is where we are.... How appropriate!  After finishing my first marathon in December, I know exactly what it is to be 26 away.... and although it seems far, now I know that 26 IS a manageable distance.  I remember standing at the starting line of my race-- bouncing up and down to generate a little warmth and calm my nerves-- a silent inventory flitting through my mind (gu's, tunes, spare band aids, GPS watch, handkerchief, talismans, names of all my supporters written on an already wrinkled card).  Yes, this would be the farthest I had ever gone, but I kept telling myself that it was going to be a nice leisurely run.  It was still a bit intimidating to consider-- after all, 9 years had passed since I began running races and I had only first gained the courage to actually commit to completing 26.    I knew that finishing the course would not be without pain.  My legs had so much multicolored tape on them, that it looked like the tape might be holding my legs on..... Did I mention that I was NERVOUS?!?!?!?!  You can see the fear on my pre-race picture.  However, once the gun sounded and I started with that same strategy that I have used in running for years (called putting one foot in front of the other), the jittery sensation in my stomach subsided and the miles started dropping off.... one-at-a-time.  I think it was faith and love that compelled me to push on-- the faith that there really was a finish line even though I had not yet seen it and the love of those who were there cheering me on.  I do not doubt that it is that same faith and love that gives me the patience to bear the wait.  People always wonder how it is that we can seem to wait so calmly, but really, what choice do we have?  When the time is right, things will move a little more and we will reach the finish line....even if no one can conceive of just exactly what is waiting for us there.... I have faith that it is better than chocolate milk and Krispy Cremes at the end of 26 miles though (which is saying a lot because I was STARVING!).  And when the time is right, I know that you all will be there to share our JOY.  Y para ti, mi amor, tengo que confesarte que estaba viendo un programa en la televisión que en realidad es basura.  Fue un episodio del programa The Bachelor. Este programa no me importa para nada, pero había una parte de un episodio reciente con una joven adoptada... esta parte me interesó.  Ella dijo que cuando sus padres la adoptaban, ellos le dijeron que iban a decirle «te amo» todos los días por el resto de su vida.  Y ella dijo que lo han hecho.  Ya te estoy diciendo «te amo» cada día en mis oraciones, pero cuando llegues, vas a oír las palabras de mis labios todos los días.  Te amo para siempre..... que sigas seguro/a y feliz -- y que de alguna manera puedas oír mi «te amo» aunque estás lejos..... Abrazos calurosos....

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